Please ensure you complete this section with your correct details. Names should be your legal names and match identity documents provided.

If you are employed please provide details of your employer below

Current address
PEP's Declaration

Please read the following before answering the questions below

Politically Exposed Person (PEP) is defined under regulation 35 (14) of the Money Laundering, Terror Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 as an individual who is entrusted with a prominent political function, other than as a middle ranking or more junior official e.g Heads of State or of Government, ministers (including deputy or assistants), members of parliament or devolved legislative bodies including the Northern Ireland Assembly, senior government, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state owned corporations or international organisations and members of the governing bodies of polital parties.
Please also declare if you are a family member (spouse or civil partner of the PEP's children; parents of the PEP) or close associate of a PEP. If you are uncertain as to your sttus please discuss this with the credit union.
This information is requested for the purpose of compliance with the credit union's obligations under anti money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.


Please provide details of a nominee. A nominee is someone that would inherit your savings with the credit union in the unfortunate event of your death.

Death benefit rider

In addition to loan protection/life savings insurance your ballinascreen Credit Union provides members the special Death Benefit Rider, designed to relieve the burden of bereavement costs.

Recent market research indicates a demand among credit union members for this service.

There is a trend towards under-insurance in Ireland. In addition to this, the cost of funerals has soared in recent years, ranging from £1,000 to over £4,000 and is especially high in urban areas. Very few people realise the impact of funeral expenses on any life assurance benefit they have.

The addition of the Death Benefit Rider (DBR) to the Life Savings Policy will give one of the bereaved added security and relief from financial worry at the time of the death of a member. Lump sum made payable to the payer of the funeral invoice.

Premium Cover: £2,000
This is a very high value-for-money scheme and ensures that your family had added support when it is needed most.

This does not apply to members who join after 70 years of age

A minimum of £100 must be maintained in the share account

Supporting documentation

To verify your application please provide the following supporting documentation using the upload facility below
Photographic ID such as driving license, passport (This must be current and in date)
Proof of Address such as most recent bank statement, utility bill (Must be within the last 3 Months.
If using a telephone bill, this must be within the last 12 Months
Any other documentation to assist your ID
These should be uploaded below by either a photo (jpeg) or pdf document


Data Protection Act
In accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act, we will use your personal details for the purposes of managing your account with Ballinascreen Credit Union. Your personal details will be treated confidentially and will only be shared with other agencies for the purpose of credit referencing and debt recovery.

  In making this application I apply for membership of Ballinascreen Credit Union and agree to abide by the rules. * 
  I confirm I have read the FSCS information and understand how my deposits are protected. * 

To complete your application please ensure your Email address is correct and then select Apply below.